OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

Data Types

Every input property within an technique requires that a specific type of data be input. Data types are the various types of inputs that are allowed to fulfill the input property requirements. The most common data types for an input property in OpenBuildingsā„¢ GenerativeComponents are strings, numbers (integers and doubles), Boolean values, a function, or a node itself.

  • A string is a sequence of text characters contained by quotes ("").
  • Numeric types are an Integer (int) or Double. Integers are whole numbers like 1, 3, 7, while Doubles contain decimal positions such as 1.345 , or 5.5 or 5.0. Assigning a Double value to a variable of type Int rounds the value to the closest whole number.
  • In addition to numeric values, input properties can accept a node value or property. For example, Line.Length is equivalent to an input type Double.
  • The logic type is a Boolean, which can either be true or false.
  • A function is an expression that takes a series of arguments and processes them before returning a value. For a more in-depth discussion of functions, refer to the Functions section below.
  • In many cases, a node is also a valid input property. For example, when creating a Line.ByPoints, the two properties required are a "StartPoint: IPoint" and an "EndPoint: IPoint". Here, any node that implements the IPoint interface is a valid input (Point, Plane, or CoordinateSystem).

For a more in-depth discussion of data types, refer to the OpenBuildingsā„¢ GenerativeComponents script language reference.